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Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar


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  Total Results: 6069 
  1. "On the accuracy versus transparency trade-off of data-mining models for fast-response PMU-based catastrophe predictors",   IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid3 (1)152-1612012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  2. "A newly developed highly selective ratiometric fluoride ion sensor: Spectroscopic, NMR and density functional studies",   Analyst137 (5)1247-12512012  (SBS)School of Basic Sciences
  3. "Robust distributed block LMS over WSN in impulsive noise",   Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)7154 LNCS261-2622012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  4. "A multimetallic piano-stool Ir-Sn 3 catalyst for nucleophilic substitution reaction of ?-hydroxy lactams through N -acyliminium ions",   Journal of Organic Chemistry77 (6)2935-29412012  (SBS)School of Basic Sciences
  5. "New formulation of radiative flux in ultrashort time scale with its implications",   Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer26 (2)294-2992012  (SMS)School of Mechanical Sciences
  6. "Size dependence of solvation structure and dynamics of ions in liquid N-methylacetamide: A molecular dynamics simulation study",   Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry11 (2)361-3772012  (SBS)School of Basic Sciences
  7. "Effect of ageing on the mechanical behaviour of a novel automotive grade Al-Mg-Si alloy",   Materials Science and Engineering A541128-1342012  (SMS)School of Mechanical Sciences
  8. "Strongest cyclone of the new millennium in the Bay of Bengal: Strategy of RVS for nonengineered structures",   Natural Hazards Review13 (2)97-1052012  (SIF)School of Infrastructure
  9. Dinakar P.,   
    "Design of self-compacting concrete with fly ash",   Magazine of Concrete Research64 (5)401-4092012  (SIF)School of Infrastructure
  10. "Differential energy based microgrid protection against fault conditions",   2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT 20122012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  11. "Development of an automated examination seating arrangement generation system using music inspired harmony search algorithm",   Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing130 AISC (1)301-3092012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  12. "Design of LC VCO for optimal figure of merit performance using CMODE",   2012 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, RAIT-2012761-7642012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  13. "Novel QPSK modulation technique for DWDM free space optical communication system",   2012 21st Annual Wireless and Optical Communications Conference, WOCC 2012140-1452012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  14. "Role of Prandtl number in the interaction phenomenon of surface radiation with an opposing mixed convection within a differential heated cavity",   Heat Transfer - Asian Research41 (4)318-3382012  (SMS)School of Mechanical Sciences
  15. "The idea of england in eighteenth-century indian travel writing",   CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture14 (2)2012  (HSSM)School of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management
  16. "Distribution system planning considering reliable feeder routing",   IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution6 (6)503-5142012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  17. "Influence of in situ TiB reinforcements and role of heat treatment on mechanical properties and biocompatibility of ? Ti-alloys",   Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials101-122012  (SMMME)School of Minerals, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
  18. "Wavelet based energy function for symmetrical fault detection during power swing",   2012 Students Conference on Engineering and Systems, SCES 20122012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  19. "Power quality analysis using dual tree complex wavelet transform",   2012 Students Conference on Engineering and Systems, SCES 20122012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  20. "A comparative note on tunneling in AdS and in its boundary matrix dual",   Journal of High Energy Physics2012 (5)2012  (SBS)School of Basic Sciences
  21. "Block least mean squares algorithm over distributed wireless sensor network",   Journal of Computer Networks and Communications2012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  22. "A robust evolutionary feedforward active noise control system using Wilcoxon norm and particle swarm optimization algorithm",   Expert Systems with Applications39 (8)7574-75802012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  23. "Implementation of smart battery charger with low power photo-voltaic energy system using synchronous buck converter",   Journal of Low Power Electronics8 (3)283-2922012  (SES)School of Electrical Sciences
  24. "Effectiveness of aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) for decolorization of silk dyebath effluents",   Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research51 (25)8646-86512012  (SIF)School of Infrastructure
  25. Sarkar A.,   
    "Vortex-excited transverse surface waves in an array of randomly placed circular cylinders",   Journal of Hydraulic Engineering138 (7)610-6182012  (SIF)School of Infrastructure
  26. "Nanometer-scale sharpening and surface roughening of ZnO nanorods by argon ion bombardment",   Applied Surface Science258 (18)7016-70202012  (SBS)School of Basic Sciences
Total Results: 6069