1 Classical and Quantum Gravity
2 Communications in Theoretical Physics
3 EPL (Euro 2080)
4 EPL (Europhysics Letters)
5 European Journal of Physics
6 Journal of Optics
7 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Tehoretical
8 Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
9 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
10 Jounral of Physics : Confernece Series
11 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
12 Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
13 Journal of Semiconductors
14 New Journal of Physics
15 Nonliniarity
16 Physica Scripta
17 Physical Biology
18 Physics Education
19 Superconductor Science and Technology
20 The Astrophysical Journal
21 The Astrophysical Journal Letters
22 The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
23 Nanotechnology
24 Smart Materials and Structures
25 Modeling and Simulation in Material Science and Engineering
26 European Physics Letters